
The transformation of photographs into artworks, whether they depict individuals, pets, important life moments, or seek to encapsulate the profound emotions surrounding the absence of a loved one, is a skill I've developed over many years. I take pride in my ability to capture the emotions tied to these portraits which make them deeply meaningful to my clients.

As an artist, my goal is to pursue a deep understanding of the human experience by paying attention to the details, and respecting the narratives these images convey. Portraiture isn't just about showcasing artistic talent; it's about understanding the human experience and the stories these images tell. I aim to capture the essence of these relationships and moments by creating artworks that evoke nostalgia and warmth in those who view them and own them.

Justine Brentnall has been an established artist since 2008 specialising in portraiture and drawing. She expanded her practice to become a graphic designer and professional photographer by studying a double Bachelors Degree at CSU and now runs a busy practice maintaining her custom drawing, as well as running her photography studio and design studio.